ravil » Вт май 18, 2010 1:15 pm
из переписки с Shane Robinson, который был в последней экспедиции в Abyss:
For the most part the hardest and most dangerous rapids were all portageable. I remember one on our first full day that was pretty boxed in and might be hard to get a cataraft back in at the bottom of the rapid. We didn't have any problems in kayaks, so with a similar water level I'm sure some creativity will work. And then, on the 4th day (i think) there was on rapid you could scout the first half of the rapid on the right, then it turned sharply left and went into a box canyon with no scouting or portage options. The rapid was Class V, but not terrifying. Otherwise, wherever the river boxed in, the river was calm and beautiful with waterfalls pouring in. Really, quite amazing.
Good luck, and keep asking if you have more questions.
"We were on the Apurimac at the end of July and the water level felt pretty ideal. I wouldn't have wanted much less water for the most part. Some areas would have been better with more water and some areas would have been really scary with more water, especially down in the Abyss. However, having been down it once, and knowing that it mostly all goes with the occasional portage would make me more comfortable with more water.
There were several portages, especially on Day 2 (or 3 depending on your speed of travel and how you count days). Some of the portages were difficult as there are huge boulders along the river that you have crawl up and over and around. With a Cataraft, or any raft, you'll have your work cut out for you. You will probably hate one day of the trip, unless you have a different flow that enables you to run more than we did.
I would guess at least 5000+ cubic feet per second. Bryan, what would that be in cms? Sorry for my lame conversion skills.
Again, depending on how you count days, I would plan on at least 5 on the Abyss. Portaging with a raft might add another day at least. And we sat at the take-out for over 24 hours waiting for a ride. With rafts, I would absolutely arrange a paid shuttle out of there - or be prepared to wait several days.
We have often talked about going back to run the Apurimac from the Black Canyon down through the Abyss and beyond into the next section. You might consider that as there are more shuttle options if you have the time. Kurt would be your man, or Pierro at Terra Explorer Peru, for those logistics. Either way you will want to get in touch with Pierro about flows, and potential local guides. I know he really wants to do the Abyss, and he would be invaluable to your trip".